A James Bancroft, Investagation

James Bancroft
Kokesh + Schiff text file attached
You have to pinch yourself – a Marxist radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, has become President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.

On leaving the Hartford Tea Party.
Please read this through, while the beginning of this letter seems unrelated, it is completely necessary to explain my position.

Recently, while working on a separate project for a patriotic organization, The Gathering of Eagles, I became more familiar with the personal actions of a former Marine named Adam kokesh. It is through the personal knowlege and experience by some of the members of the Gathering of Eagles that Adam Kokesh, the anti-war protester has been involved with activities we call treasonous.

We believe it is important to focus our efforts on this man because he is running for Congress in the 3rd district in New Mexico.

In our discovery process and analysis of online documents created by Kokesh himself, along with videos taken by others at his events and with testimony of persons attending these events, it is the obvious conclusion that Adam kokesh admitted freely to asking troops to desert their unit in time of war while visiting an Army base in Ansbach, Germany, and engaged in with demonstrations that became violent by destroying property that housed a Military recruiting center in Washington DC. Protesters at this event faced a small crowd of Americans that included Mothers of active duty servicemen and women and once learning that these women were parents of Military members overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan at that time, the protesters repeated vulgar assertions that these women’s sons should die in combat for serving in this war.

Sadly, actions like this since the Vietnam War are not called what they are: sedition at best or treason at worst. Since Adam Kokesh is a Marine Corps veteran as well as I am, I believe that Kokesh was trained enough as a Marine in operational security and awareness of how his personal actions in uniform and when dressed as a civilian would reflect on military service and was mature enough to know his actions would be viewed and repeated in our national media and international media in such a way that Iraqi resistance forces and Afghanistan Taliban and international Al-Qaeda forces would only view as supporting their efforts in time of war against American and coalition forces. It is a known fact that Osama Bin Ladin announced that he watched the 9/11 attacks on television himself and that he and his forces were pleased and encouraged by what he saw on television. To deny that media accounts of the pains of your enemy aren’t encouraging to those engaged in warfare against you is an immature approach to fighting and winning a military conflict.

To back up my assertions here, I am posting links to these events so the reader can see for themselves these events are true:

Follow up:

Adam Kokesh who is running for the national Congressional seat in the Farmington New Mexico area. kokeshforcongress.com

Kokesh is a member of IVAW, (Iraq Veterans Against the War). He openly marched in demonstrations against his country after returning from Iraq. He was arrested for bringing an illegal weapon to a college campus and having it stolen from his car, and then had a Military trial and lost a stripe for it since he brought it back illegally from Iraq. This article quotes Kokesh extensively.

Kokesh went to an Army base and openly stood in a Chow Hall and videotaped himself calling on the troops to desert in time of War and posted in online and on the IVAW blog under his own name. The article below is Adam Kokesh’s personal account of this act in his own words.

Kokesh led demonstration in DC in front of a recruiting station where his public stated goal was to prevent any recruiting from going on that day. Kokesh’s accomplices that day berated several Blue Star Mothers, (Mothers of Soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors serving in time of war) and told them their sons should die in Iraq.

First hand witness accounts of this demonstration here :

Video taken by the Left Wing protesters of this event is found here:

http://www.dc-sds.org/ (see the bottom of the page)

The results of his participation in these actions in Washington DC led to an investigation by the United States Marine Corps into Kokesh’s wearing of military uniforms while walking the street in threatening poses pretending to hold a rifle simulating military action against Iraqi civilians. Kokesh posted the e-mail he received from the Marine Corps officer on the Iraq Veterans Against the War website and boasted of receiving this letter and also posted his profane response for the world to see. This again is Kokesh’s own words and testimony on the Iraq Veterans Against the War website. He was asked about this by a Marine officer who wanted to determine why he did what he did and were the allegations true. Kokesh admitted this was true and told the Major to GO F__ HIMSELF in his e-mail response.

There are numerous articles more than can be posted, but I will let the reader look for themselves. Use your internet connection and search for
Kokesh + IVAW

Kokesh + Code Pink

Kokesh + ANSWER

Kokesh + World Workers Party

What must be explained at this point is why this man is connected to the Hartford Tea Party and how it has lead me to conclude that the Hartford Tea Party and the Connecticut Tea Party are not acting in the best interests of Connecticut citizens or for a national interest concerning their apparent desired candidate, Peter Schiff.

The actions of Kokesh are treason in my eyes. Plain and simple. He freely and repeatedly acted in a way that he gave aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war, and he did so knowing that in today’s world, international media would report his actions and that enemy forces such as Al-Qaeda and Iraqi resistance Mujahadeen monitor American television and print media and would see, even if only by cursory glance, his actions as a leader and participant in these marches, demonstrations, protests, and speaking engagements on college campuses.

On March 16, I received an e-mail from a friend of the Tea Party movement whom I had had previous conversations with concerning the taking over of the Tea Party platforms by those who were not political Conservatives or GOP members as the media falsely reports, but by Ron Paul Libertarians. One such person from Connecticut who was previously working in favor of the Tea Party movement and whose e-mails I used to receive on a regular basis, send out a request for aid to help the Adam Kokesh campaign. The e-mail letter is printed below:

—– Forwarded Message —–
To: ronpaul-769@meetup.com
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 7:33:49 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [ronpaul-769] Adam Kokesh Needs Your Urgent Help!
Read all about it:
Make some phone calls for Adam if you have the time – please?
Thank you for whatever you can do to help,

The sender of this e-mail is not the author of it’s content, but he sent it as a positive effort to help Adam Kokesh. I was stunned.

Being involved in the Gathering of Eagles organization and attending these anti-War rallies as a counter protestor to defend America and hold signs that were suportive of our troops, I was well aware of Adam Kokesh before he announced his running for Congress.

What I didn’t know was how much the Ron Paul Political machine was supporting him and how far and deep that support went. I mistakenly thoguht it was just a local effort and soon found out the opposite.

I responded to this e-mail and asked if this JIM A was the same Jim A that me and the sender of this e-mail received previous messages from and that was confirmed. The sender of this e-mail mentioned that he thought Jim A was the new campaign manager for Peter Schiff. I did a search on the internet on Peter Schiff’s website and found that was innacurate.

In all my searches for Adam Kokesh I did on the Internet, I do not remember seeing Peter Schiff’s name with his. I realize it was because I was concentrating on the Marxist groups that Kokesh marched with and supported in national rallies.

I did my first GOOGLE search for Kokesh + Schiff was was quite stunned to see the number of connections on web sites between the two. A person is known by the company they keep. A person is also known by who wants to tell others you are a good person or a bad person. Numerous websites that specifically mention connections between Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh have for the most part only included the names of Ron Paul or his son Rand Paul. And no one else by comparison.

The GOOGLE search terms and link I used were this:

The first page I found was this:

This the very first page of this forum is entirely based on support for Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh and Rand Paul. ONLY those three persons. While an individual may not know what everyone says about him, he must surely know who he is compared to and why, for this website clearly endorses these three men, it has the campaign website for Peter Schiff at the top of it’s page for donations. Schiff MUST know of this site for that reason alone because he has to account for all campaign donations and his webmaster also has the clear capability to discover who is accessing his website, and in modern times, a responsibility to know who
is accessing your website, and that means Schiff KNOWS he is associated with Adam Kokesh.

On July 15, 2009, Peter Schiff was one of the search terms along with Adam Kokesh for this Ron Paul appearance on Judge Napolitano’s web broadcast. If they are not known to each other or do not have common values and goals, why are they jointly advertised with each other?
That link can be found here:

On the following website, videos of Peter Schiff, with search tags that include Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Chris Dodd (someone Schiff has openly opposed, one of the reasons I originally supported him), additional videos also show a hatred of Israel and Jewish interests, calling SarahPalin a Zionist Neocon Warmonger, that Ron Paul is the Tea Party leader-Not Sarah Palin (Neither were leaders, it was street level persons such as myself that made things happen), :

Mentioned specifically on this page are two Schiff videos. Here are the descriptions and links to those videos, along with the search tags for those videos:

Peter schiff – (8.13.09)(0)
Posted on February 10th, 2010 | Categorized as Barrack Obama | Tagged as 1207, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Adam, Audit, Bankrupt, Business, Chris, Christopher, Collapse, Commodities, Congress, Connecticut, Constitution, Debt, Deception, Deficit, DEPRESSION, Dodd, Economics, ECONOMY, Election, Fannie, FED, Foreclosure, Fox, Freddie, Germond, Harris, HR, IOUSA, Jake, Jaynee, Kokesh, Mac, Mae, OBAMA, Paul, Peter, Predicted, Rand, Restore, Rj, Ron, Schiff, Senate, Spending, The, Towne, US

Peter Schiff discussing health care and insurance on Fox Business. Donate to his campaign today! TAGS Peter Schiff Connecticut Senate 2010 2009 US Economy Ron Paul Rand Adam Kokesh RJ Harris Jake Towne Jaynee Germond Congress Election Economics Chris Christopher Dodd 2006 2007 2008 Collapse Predicted Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Bankrupt Depression Deficit Spending […]

Peter schiff – (8.19.09)(0)
Posted on February 10th, 2010 | Categorized as Barrack Obama | Tagged as 1207, Adan, Alex, Audit, Ben, Bernanke, Brown, Chris, Christopher, Congress, Deal, Debt, Deception, Deficit, DEPRESSION, Dodd, FED, Federal, Germond, Global, Gordon, Harris, HR, Infowars, Jake, Jaynee, Joker, Jones, Kokesh, New, OBAMA, Paul, Peter, Planet, Prison, Recession, RESERVE, Retake, Rj, Ron, Schiff, Spending, Towne

Donate to his campaign! TAGS Peter Schiff Ron Paul Adan Kokesh RJ Harris Jake Towne Jaynee Germond Retake Congress Chris Christopher Dodd Obama Joker Deception Depression Recession Deficit Spending Debt Global New Deal Gordon Brown Alex Jones Infowars Prison Planet HR 1207 Audit FED Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke Alan Greenspan Constitution Michael Badnarik Connecticut […]

Notice that in the second video, one of the search tags is INFOWARS. INFOWARS is an Alex Jones supported group, one of the leading 9/11 truthers who believe, among the many theories proposed by truthers, stories such as that the World Trade Centers were attacked by radio controlled airplanes that had the passengers removed before the collision, and also that explosive charges were placed in the building that caused the actual collapse after the collision and resultant fire. These people are Ron Paul suporters and openly support Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh.

Remember: You are known by the company you keep, and by those who promote you and by those who wish you ill.

In this video, hosted on that same site http://www.barackobamavideos.net/keyword/kokesh/page/5 , the title is ISRAEL’S


The search tags for that video are as follows: Posted on February 10th, 2010 | Categorized as Barrack Obama | Tagged as 10, 2012, Adam, Alex, Barack, Beck, Best, Bowl, Brees, Brett, Bush, Campaign, Celente, Commercial, Commercials;, Doritos, Drew, Ever, Favre, For, Gaza, Gerald, Glenn, Hand, Illustrated, Israel, Jay, Jones, Judge, Kokesh, Latifah, Leno, Liberty, Motorola, Napolitano, New, Notes, OBAMA, Order, Palestine, Palestinian, Palin, Paul, Peter, Polamalu, Queen, Rand, Reggie, Ron, Sarah, Schiff, Special, Sports, Super, Superbowl, Swimsuit, Top, Troy, World, Zionism, Zionist

Israel’s hypocracy MEGA info BOMB blogs.myspace.com FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material.

Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Ron Paul Peter Schiff Adam Kokesh […]

It is crystal clear that this individual website is hosted by Anti-semitic persons who hold disparaging views of Jews. Notice also that one of the search terms is GAZA, indicating that this website is favorable of the Palistinian cause, despite the obvious facts of the Palistinians creating homicidal bombers to kill Jews using retarded persons as suicide bombers and also firing over 1000 home made rockets into Israel in the last 2 years. This website thinks that is not worth mentioning, but Israel’s Hypocrasy (sic) is the issue.

While again, a single reference to these issues does prove a movement, I understand that, a logical thinking person would distance themselves from people such as this once this is known unless you hold these views yourself, or if your friends hold these views and you do not want to distance yourself from your friends.

For the record, and for his credit concerning his connections to Ron Paul and Adam Kokesh, Peter Schiff has denounced the 9/11 theories surrounding a conspiracy:

A new Internet search reveals the following about Ron paul and 9/11:

An organization called Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth video taped an inpromtu appearance with Ron Paul and recorded some of his comments. They can be found here:

While Ron Paul has said on TV shows such as Glen Beck that he dismisses the major theories, he openly says there is a coverup of what went on yet refuses to elaborate on just what is covered up. The 9/11 Comission clearly showed that intelligence failures happened because of Clinton era laws that prevented our inteligence agancies from communicating with each other.

On the website CONSPIRACY PLANET, information about Ron Paul and issues similar to this can be found:

Ron Paul has publicly said that the CIA has accomplished a coup against America and needs to be taken out:

A direct quote from this conference is as such:
(January 20, 2010) House Rep. Ron Paul says the CIA has in effect carried out a “coup” against the US government, and the intelligence agency needs to be “taken out.”

Speaking to an audience of like-minded libertarians at a Campaign for Liberty regional conference in Atlanta this past weekend, the Texas Republican said: “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military.

They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries…”

I did an Internet search to see if Peter Schiff attended this conference, and found that almost every video of this event where Ron Paul made such a statement, Peter Schiff’s name was one of the main search tags:

One one video, the single specific description for the video reads as such:
Category: News & Politics
Tags: ron paul 2pac alex jones debra medina peter schiff gerald celente marc faber max keiser jim rogers dollar hyperinflation wall street gold federal reserve bernanke geithner bailout stimulus obama healthcare palin scott brown fox news msnbc cnbc
mike church perry hutchison spending tea party glenn beck rand paul dr. mercola campaign for liberty atlanta regional conference woods mises rockwell climategate monckton jesse ventura conspiracy theory new world order

This video can be found at the link below:

And here is one prominant website that supports the 9/11 conspiracy theories, calling for a RON PAUL PROVISIONAL ARMY to take over after we investigate the 9/11 events:

Among the other kooky connections to Ron Paul, is a UFO COnnection. I have yet to find the original article, but numerous articles repeat the belief of Ron Paul’s that UFO’s are real. Some of the Ron Paul sites have soeone trying to mock this belief, but the Ron Paul site, DailyPaul.com says this:

This has been repeated again in San Francisco, not known to support conservatives or Libertarians anyways, but associated with Ron Paul out there were UFO enthusiasts mentioned in this article:

How is it that the kookiest ideas are surrounding Ron Paul? Ron Paul, UFO disclosure, etc… simply nothing more than a pacifier — a distraction!

You are known by the company you keep. By who likes you and who dislikes you. To see repeatedly in these searches the names of 9/11 truther groups such as INFOWARS and RON PAUL and ALEX JONES, ADAM KOKESH connected immediately to Peter Schiff can only bring someone to an immediate conslusion: he is either silent of their excesses for his own political expediency but welcomes their support, or he is totally ignorant of Ron Paul and his supporters. Peter Schiff is surely NOT ignorant of Ron Paul.

Peter Schiff is one smart guy, most likely smarter than me, especially money wise. But he surely had to kow who he was being connected to and has done nothing to dismiss the kooks who are endorsing him.

This is why in my previous e-mails to Tea Party Members of Connecticut I repeatedly added in search links or advice on what to search for regarding these issues and Peter Schiff.

I have been asked to leave the Hartford Tea Party. Fair enough. If this is the man that the Hartford Tea Party wishes to promote and support, then I want no part of it.

Peter Schiff is promoted and supported with a known traitor, Adam kokesh, on numerous websites and all the Tea Party members were shown where to see it themselves. What is saddening is the responses I got about it.

You are know by the company you keep? By who supports you? Also by who doesn’t support you. In all this exchange, only one person wrote back to me asking if this information about Kokesh was true or if the links were valid. I am afraid that most of the people who received those e-mails refused to click on the links I provided and that effort was wasted. What I heard was that by exposing the bad connections of Peter Schiff with Truthers, Traitors and UFO chasers, all that mattered was someone who wanted LIBERTY. I was called a traitor for not endorsing someone who endorses a traitor. All that mattered was a candidate that supported liberty. Supporting a Marxist sympathiser who marched with Code Pink, ANSWER, WORLD WORKERS PARTY, SDS is now considered LIBERTY by Libertarians in Connecticut. And I saved that e-mail to prove I was called a traitor to not support Schiff.

Liberty at the expense of supporting someone running on the same ticket as a traitor with no response or denial despite the full year of being connected to him?

Check the dates on these websites, it has been 10 months since Schiff has been connected to Kokesh, and not once has Schiff denounced Kokesh. Not on his official campaign website or anywhere that is online. If he did, the YouTube videos with Kokesh and Schiff’s name would not exist, nor would all the Ron Paul websites with Schiff’s name be with Kokesh.

It would not be there if he denounced him, but instead, on the Schiffforsenate.com website, Schiff allowed the placement of an article written by a John Birch Society author for the New American Magazine to list their support for Schiff, Rand Paul and Adam Kokesh.

That article has been on Peter Schiff’s website for 5 months now. Peter Schiff would not have allowed such a letter to remain on his website unless he had no problem with someone who marched with marxist groups in anti-war demonstrations simulating the murder of innocent people to slander the military.

Schiff’s allowance of this letter promoting Kokesh is a blatant endorsement of Kokesh.

Knowing all of the above, and knowing that the members of the Hartford Tea Party and Connecticut Tea Party have refused to contact me to ask for more information or agree with me, with only 3 exceptions among the group, I must immediately and permanently separate myself from a group that thinks the character of a man as this is acceptable for political office.

No one is perfect. I am way too excitable and emotional for me to consider myself eligible for political office. I am way too blunt and speak my mind too freely. I have seen myself on film and am not always happy at what I see once I said some things. But I am not ashamed at what makes me mad at all. In fact, the things that I get mad at are legitimate. My anger at the issues shows I know what to get mad at. My humor is sometimes gruff and direct.

But the direction I send it is not wrong. Peter Schiff is connected to people who committed treason and has been for almost a full year and the Hartford Tea Party and the Connecticut Tea Party now know it and in the last several days, only 3 people have told me my concerns were right in our most recent series of e-mails.

In a private phone conversation in the last week, I was asked what I thought about the Tea Party announcing the endorsement of Peter Schiff before the republican primary so that the Tea Party movement would appear to be pushing the agenda instead of the media controlling it; a way of the people, the grassroots, taking command instead of responding to media control of the process or GOP Party control of the process. I agreed because I liked Peter Schiff’s economic stance and explanation of what he would do. I did not want anyone in office that had previously held office and that meant I did not want Rob Simmons. I also did not want someone who made her money by supporting shooting steroids into the body of Jocks to entertain 12 year old boys to make her fortune, or knowing that she hired the wife of Connecticut GOP Chairman to work on her campaign, nor do I think she is correct by stating at the Enfield Republican Town Committe meeting where she said she believed in man made Global Warming.

After the last 3 days of finally doing the homework on Peter Schiff that I should of in the first place, I totally remove my endorsement of Peter Schiff and I call on all Patriotic thinking Americans to so also.


In the last month, I have been involved in the gathering of information on two candidates from the Campaign for Liberty, a Ron Paul organization. Specifically, the two candidates are Adam Kokesh and Peter Schiff.

I did so because of the treason of Adam Kokesh and because Peter Schiff is from my home state of Connecticut. I found several events where Schiff and Kokesh attended exclusively for fundraising and also saw how only THREE main candidates were being promoted: RAND PAUL, PETER SCHIFF, and ADAM KOKESH.

It is sad to announce that these three are also the dArlings of the Internet scourge of racists, known as STORMFRONT.

Read it for yourself, folks, all three of these candidates are the type of people that this organization supports and even wants to send money to!


The RAND Paul Money Bomb! Help Elect Rand Paul to U.S.



Folks: YOU ARE KNOWN BY the company you keep!!!




RON PAUL SUPPORTERS are disagreeing with SCHIFF because or SCHIFF’s Jewish Faith…Why is anti-semitism connected with Ron Paul?

Schiff’s loyalty to his Jewish faith
Submitted by ptarantino on Wed, 12/16/2009 – 19:34.
might be showing a little here-

I’d like to hear a lot more from him, on this issue.
Ron Paul Supporters believe that Peter Schiff is anti-war

I see this was back in December.
Submitted by reedr3v on Tue, 02/09/2010 – 00:12.
I’ve been listening carefully to Schiff, and he had little to say on foreign policy, then he was vague; in the recent Yale series, Part seven, that was on the front page, he seems to have thought through the issues more clearly (beyond his forte’ in finance) and to my ear comes down pretty solidly anti war. Check out that recent video and see what you think.
He’s not Ron Paul, but he seems to be coming along fast. Here’s the link:



Peter Schiff is pro-choice on abortion



Peter Schiff is pro-choice on abortion

THIS E-MAIL IS ABOUT PETER SCHIFF, the Connecticut candidate for Senate.


In the last two weeks, I have been working on keeping New Mexico voters aware of an EX-Marine named Adam Kokesh who is running for the national Congressional seat in the Farmington New Mexico area.

Kokesh is a member of IVAW, (Iraq Veterans Against the War). He openly marched in demonstrations against his country after returning from Iraq. He was arrested for bringing an illegal weapon to a college campus and having it stolen from his car, and then had a Military trial and lost a stripe for it since he brought it back illegally from Iraq.

Kokesh went to an Army base and openly stood in a Chow Hall and videotaped himself calling on the troops to desert in time of War and posted in online and on the IVAW blog under his own name.

Kokesh also led a demonstration in DC in front of a recruiting station where his public stated goal was to prevent any recruiting from going on that day. Kokesh’s accomplices that day berated several Blue Star Mothers, (Mothers of Soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors serving in time of war) and told them their sons should die in Iraq.
First hand witness accounts here :
Video taken by the Left Wing protesters is found here:

http://www.dc-sds.org/ (see the bottom of the page)

They did this in the presence of Kokesh and with his approval. After this verbal abuse, the protestors broke the windows of the recruiting station. Kokesh left the scene and participated in a die in. He also led IVAW members through the streets of DC wearing uniforms of our military service while he still had reserve time to finish before his time of Military obligations were over.

He was asked about this by a Marine officer who wanted to determine why he did what he did and were the allegations true. Kokesh admitted this was true and told the Major to GO F__ HIMSELF in his e-mail response. He ALSO posted that e-mail exchange online on the IVAW website.

A website was created in the last 2 weeks to expose this fraud in an attempt to derail his candidacy in New Mexico. That website is found here:
Please go there to see the information we have gathered, to include photographs and videos of him at these events.

Since investigating this man, I have repeatedly found references to Peter Schiff next to Adam Kokesh. I realize that Schiff was a Ron Paul supporter, but I was unaware until the last few days just how much Ron Paul was connected to both of them.

I agreed to support our endorsement of Peter Schiff for the sole reason that I thought a RINO like Rob Simmons was bad for our nation. However, I must completely remove my support knowing now that Schiff’s associations, even by proxy, are with an organization that openly supports a traitor, Adam Kokesh.

The words of Navy SEAL Commander, Capt Larry Baily speak it well for me. The details of this letter written by Capt Baily are verifiable by anyone who desires to look:

Peter Schiff is joined at the hip of Adam Kokesh and the Ron Paul political types. I find that form of governing to be an abomination, one that I will choose a RINO over any day before I vote for someone who openly supports treason, either directly or by proxy. Schiff’s association with Ron Paul and Kokesh are undeniable, for they attended the same events and are on the same videos from these events and have appeared together on Judge Napolitano’s Webcast TV show together endorsing each other through their presence and associations.

I will openly oppose anyone who supports Peter Schiff from this day forward for these reasons. This is not a joke nor is it intended to be a threat, but I guarantee you, any organization that endorses Peter Schiff will be exposed for endorsing the traitor, Adam Kokesh, either by direct action or by proxy.

As one of the original founders of the Hartford Tea Party, I wish no ill will nor do I desire to see a split, but this is an issue where I must draw the line. This is not a negotiable issue for me. This is about treason and the supporting of a traitor through association.

Peter Schiff’s association with Ron Paul bothered me because Ron Paul is someone who once had great ideas but has most recently joined hands with 9/11 truthers. He is also a believer in aliens and UFO’s, something I find to be in interesting topic and fun to watch on movies but logically absurd. To know fully, and with video evidence and open plain stated testimony by the men themselves available, association with any of Ron Paul’s people is an association with the suborning of treason by it’s connection to Adam Kokesh.

If necessary, I will resign from the Tea Party but I will refuse to be silent if the endorsement for Peter Schiff goes forward.

Please consider my words. Think real hard. We all know our nation is at stake, but I will NOT support anyone who supports treason in any form or ignore it for political expediency.


Schiff on National security


Adam Kokesh: Peter Schiff: Joined at the hip?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 7:14:52 PM · 2 of 2

RaceBannon to RaceBannon


In the last two weeks, I have been working on keeping New Mexico voters aware of an EX-Marine named Adam Kokesh who is running for the national Congressional seat in the Farmington New Mexico area.

Kokesh is a member of IVAW, (Iraq Veterans Against the War). He openly marched in demonstrations against his country after returning from Iraq. He was arrested for bringing an illegal weapon to a college campus and having it stolen from his car, and then had a Military trial and lost a stripe for it since he brought it back illegally from Iraq.

Kokesh went to an Army base and openly stood in a Chow Hall and videotaped himself calling on the troops to desert in time of War and posted in online and on the IVAW blog under his own name.

Kokesh also led a demonstration in DC in front of a recruiting station where his public stated goal was to prevent any recruiting from going on that day. Kokesh’s accomplices that day berated several Blue Star Mothers, (Mothers of Soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors serving in time of war) and told them their sons should die in Iraq.
First hand witness accounts here :
Video taken by the Left Wing protesters is found here:

http://www.dc-sds.org/ (see the bottom of the page)

They did this in the presence of Kokesh and with his approval. After this verbal abuse, the protestors broke the windows of the recruiting station. Kokesh left the scene and participated in a die in. He also led IVAW members through the streets of DC wearing uniforms of our military service while he still had reserve time to finish before his time of Military obligations were over.

He was asked about this by a Marine officer who wanted to determine why he did what he did and were the allegations true. Kokesh admitted this was true and told the Major to GO F__ HIMSELF in his e-mail response. He ALSO posted that e-mail exchange online on the IVAW website.

A website was created in the last 3 weeks to expose this fraud in an attempt to derail his candidacy in New Mexico. That website is found here:
Please go there to see the information we have gathered, to include photographs and videos of him at these events.

Since investigating this man, I have repeatedly found references to Peter Schiff next to Adam Kokesh. I realize that Schiff was a Ron Paul supporter, but I was unaware until the last few days just how much Ron Paul was connected to both of them.

I agreed to support an endorsement of Peter Schiff for the sole reason that I thought a RINO like Rob Simmons was bad for our nation. However, I must completely remove my support knowing now that Schiff’s associations, even by proxy, are with an organization that openly supports a traitor, Adam Kokesh.

The words of Navy SEAL Commander, Capt Larry Baily speak it well for me. The details of this letter written by Capt Baily are verifiable by anyone who desires to look:

Peter Schiff is joined at the hip of Adam Kokesh and the Ron Paul political types. I find that form of governing to be an abomination, one that I will choose a RINO over any day before I vote for someone who openly supports treason, either directly or by proxy. Schiff’s association with Ron Paul and Kokesh are undeniable, for they attended the same events and are on the same videos from these events and have appeared together on Judge Napolitano’s Webcast TV show together endorsing each other through their presence and associations.

I will openly oppose anyone who supports Peter Schiff from this day forward for these reasons. This is not a joke nor is it intended to be a threat, but I guarantee you, any organization that endorses Peter Schiff will be exposed for endorsing the traitor, Adam Kokesh, either by direct action or by proxy.

As one of the original founders of the Hartford Tea Party, this is an issue where I must draw the line. This is not a negotiable issue for me. This is about treason and the supporting of a traitor through association.

Peter Schiff’s association with Ron Paul bothered me because Ron Paul is someone who once had great ideas but has most recently joined hands with 9/11 truthers. He is also a believer in aliens and UFO’s, something I find to be in interesting topic and fun to watch on movies but logically absurd. To know fully, and with video evidence and open plain stated testimony by the men themselves available, association with any of Ron Paul’s people is an association with the suborning of treason by it’s connection to Adam Kokesh.

Please consider my words. Think real hard. We all know our nation is at stake, but I will NOT support anyone who supports treason in any form or ignore it for political expediency.





If you are a conservativbe, then the ONLY thing you should like is what he says about economics

HOWEVER, the OTHER Ron Paul guy, Adam Kokesh, is praised by Workers World Party for his and the IVAW’s economic stance:

READ what the IVAW people said to the the WORKERS WORLD PARTY:


Madden: On Sept. 17 Adam Kokesh [who is co-chair of the board—WW] is organizing a National Truth-in-Recruiting Day.

WW: Did the convention change the IVAW’s political orientation?

Madden: What the convention did is show that the IVAW members were all more or less on the same page.

Stevens: The political statement Mejia made at the convention was that we need to look at the root of the problem—not just the war but the capitalist system. People responded positively to this.


not just the war but the capitalist system. People responded positively to this.

So, in an interview with a communist news organization, IVAW members confirm, BY NAME, Adam Kokesh is aligned with ABOLISHING CAPITALISM



On EVERY Ron Paul website, Adam Kokesh and PETER SCHIFF are the top candidates next to Rand Paul

SCHIFF has been connected to ADAM KOKESH for FOUR full years!!

Do you want to vote for someone who hangs out with a traitor???

Adam Kokesh appearing with ANSWER and other anti-war activists in an anti-war rally, blaming it on bankers, CEO’s , and other organizations


Adam Kokesh appearing directly with ANSWER and arrested for defying poster ban despite Police orders

Adam Kokesh announces he is a Ron Paul supporter and Dennis Kucinich supporter

Adam Kokesh announces he has a shoe for bush, indicating he is for violence against the President

Adam Kokesh:” I’ve Got a Shoe for Bush!”

On Monday, Jan. 19, 2009, hundreds of antiwar activists expressed their outrage over President George W. Bush’s eight warmongering, economically disastrous, torture approving and lawbreaking years in the Oval Office (2001-2009). The good riddance to Bush rally was held at DuPont Circle, in Washington, D.C. Adam Kokesh of the” Iraq Veterans Against the War” was one of the speakers at the event. He said: “Occupation is a crime…and Ive got a shoe for Bush!” After the speeches, the protesters marched to the White House. Once there, they tossed shoes and combat boots at the White House and insisted: “Arrest Bush!” For background, see: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/nod… and http://shoebush.org/ and http://arrestbush2009.com/.
Category: News & Politics

Tags: Adam Kokesh IVAW Protest White House George W. Bush Occupation Crime William Hughes


Adam Kokesh was one of the speakers, on July 17, 2007, at a rally held in the Upper Senate Park, opposite the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, D.C. Mr. Kokesh is with the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) organization. He is a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps. The purpose of the event was to kick off the “Funding the War is Killing the Troops” campaign. See, grassrootsAmerica4us.org, http://washingtonpeacecenter.org, democracyrising.us and http://www.ivaw.org/ for more background information. After the rally, IVAW members planned to deliver American flags to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC). Prior to the rally, an American flag was delivered on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol by IVAW members to Terry Lierman, chief of staff to the House Majority Leader, Rep. Steney Hoyer (D-MD).
Category: News & Politics

Tags: Adam Kokesh Marines Iraqi War Veteran IVAW U.S. Capitol Protest Bush-Cheney Gang William Congress Hughes


On September 3, 2007, the three participants, Mario Penalver, Elliott Nesch and Gordy Heuer, on the 800 mile “March of the People: Impeach the President, End the War: From Chicago to Washington, D.C.,” reached Baltimore City. They began their journey on June 21, 2007, in Chicago, IL; and expect to land in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2007. Adam Kokesh of the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) spoke at a rally held in the honor of the “March of the People” participants, at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Baltimore City. Mr. Kokesh said: “’The March of the People’ inspired us!” For background on IVAW, to to:
For background on “March of the People,” and if you need contact information to join in the walk with the antiwar activists, see their web site at: http://marchofthepeople.org/index.php
Category: News & Politics

Tags: Adam Kokesh IVAW March of the People Mario Penalver Iraq War Elliott Nesch Gordy Heuer William Hughes


THE MARCH OF THE PEOPLE, participants share their views

On Aug. 27, 2007, on Alt. Route 40, (The Old Historic National Pike), at the base of South Mountain, near Frederick, Maryland, three of the participants on the 800 mile “March of the People: Impeach the President, End the War: From Chicago to Washington, D.C.,” shared their views about their activism. They began their journey on June 21, 2007, in Chicago, IL; and expect to land in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2007—just days before the ANSWER Coalition’s scheduled Sept. 15th antiwar rally on the National Mall. On the video are: Mario Penalver, Elliott Nesch and Gordy Heuer. South Mountain is about 65 miles due West of Baltimore City. For background; and if you need contact information to join in the walk with the antiwar activists, see their web site at: http://marchofthepeople.org/index.php
Category: News & Politics

Tags: March of the People Mario Penalver Elliott Nesch Gordy Heuer Iraq War Peace Activism Protest William Hughes


Russian news organization publicises Adam kokesh



Peter Schiff is pro-choice on abortion



Libertarians need to infiltrate the GOP


Peter Schiff Telegraphs GOP Primary Run
by: tparty Mon Jun 01, 2009 at 11:28:23 AM EDT
Is a Republican Superprimary for Senate in the offing? Addressing the Connecticut Libertarian Party’s convention in Bridgeport this past weekend, Ron Paul acolyte Peter Schiff – who has been the subject of a draft movement by national Paul supporters and has recently made more and more noise himself about possibly challenging Chris Dodd as either a third-party candidate or in a Republican primary – seems to be clearly saying that if he were to run, it would not be as a third-party candidate, but in a Republican Primary:



Peter Schiff appears at a Rand Paul/Adam Kokesh/Peter Schiff fundraiser

Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh, Peter Schiff, and others holding a fundraiser at Webster Hall in New York.



TAGS: Rand Ron Paul Adam Kokesh Peter Schiff Scott Garrett Fundraiser Money Bomb Congress Senate 2010 HR 1207 S604 Freedom Campaign For Liberty Economy Monetary Policy Depression Niel Cavuto New York City Webster Hall Chris Dodd Mexico Kentucky Connecticut
Category: News & Politics

Tags: Rand Ron Paul Adam Kokesh Peter Schiff Scott Garrett Fundraiser Money Bomb Congress Senate 2010 HR 1207 S604 Freedom Campaign For Liberty Economy Monetary Policy Depression Niel Cavuto New York City Webster Hall Chris Dodd Mexico Kentucky Connecticut



The links go back 4 full years



SCHIFF himself admits he believes the Iraq War is a QUAGMIRE in 2009!!

Schiff has said this many times

Aug 7, 2009, Iraq is a quagmire


Peter Schiff repeating talking points of the lunatic left, listen yourself. He says in 2009 that Iraq is a QUAGMIRE when we already won!! He blames the war on bankers and whoever, and not a word about blaming it on terrorists! listen yourself, Schiff repeats left wing talking points to his radio audience about the Iraq war!


Peter Schiff has made open statements that are quite like the statements of the anti-war leftists, to include the OTHER Ron Paul endorsed candidates Rand Paul and Adam Kokesh




RON PAUL SUPPORTERS are disagreeing with SCHIFF because or SCHIFF’s Jewish Faith…Why is anti-semitism connected with Ron Paul?

Schiff’s loyalty to his Jewish faith
Submitted by ptarantino on Wed, 12/16/2009 – 19:34.
might be showing a little here-

I’d like to hear a lot more from him, on this issue.


Ron Paul Supporters believe that Peter Schiff is anti-war

I see this was back in December.
Submitted by reedr3v on Tue, 02/09/2010 – 00:12.
I’ve been listening carefully to Schiff, and he had little to say on foreign policy, then he was vague; in the recent Yale series, Part seven, that was on the front page, he seems to have thought through the issues more clearly (beyond his forte’ in finance) and to my ear comes down pretty solidly anti war. Check out that recent video and see what you think.
He’s not Ron Paul, but he seems to be coming along fast. Here’s the link:



Why is the workers world party announcing Adam kokesh’s protests?

This is a Communist organization, right?

So why are they saying this about a GOP candidate??


Peter Schiff appears at a Rand Paul/Adam Kokesh/Peter Schiff fundraiser

Rand Paul, Adam Kokesh, Peter Schiff, and others holding a fundraiser at Webster Hall in New York.



TAGS: Rand Ron Paul Adam Kokesh Peter Schiff Scott Garrett Fundraiser Money Bomb Congress Senate 2010 HR 1207 S604 Freedom Campaign For Liberty Economy Monetary Policy Depression Niel Cavuto New York City Webster Hall Chris Dodd Mexico Kentucky Connecticut
Category: News & Politics
Tags: Rand Ron Paul Adam Kokesh Peter Schiff Scott Garrett Fundraiser Money Bomb Congress Senate 2010 HR 1207 S604 Freedom Campaign For Liberty Economy Monetary Policy Depression Niel Cavuto New York City Webster Hall Chris Dodd Mexico Kentucky Connecticut


What the Tea Parties are not telling you about Peter Schiff:

Peter Schiff admits on camera that he has ZERO money investigated in American corporations or industry. If Peter Schiff refuses to invest in American companies, how can Peter Schiff say he is helping Americans keep their jobs? In this video berlow, Schiff says that we need MORE immigration and that there are PLENTY of jobs! At 9% unemployment in America, where are the jobs again??



SCHIFF himself admits he believes the Iraq War is a QUAGMIRE in 2009!!

Schiff has said this many times

Aug 7, 2009, Iraq is a quagmire


Peter Schiff repeating talking points of the lunatic left, listen yourself. He says in 2009 that Iraq is a QUAGMIRE when we already won!! He blames the war on bankers and whoever, and not a word about blaming it on terrorists! listen yourself, Schiff repeats left wing talking points to his radio audience about the Iraq war!


Peter Schiff has made open statements that are quite like the statements of the anti-war leftists, to include the OTHER Ron Paul endorsed candidates Rand Paul and Adam Kokesh




RON PAUL SUPPORTERS are disagreeing with SCHIFF because or SCHIFF’s Jewish Faith…Why is anti-semitism connected with Ron Paul?

Schiff’s loyalty to his Jewish faith
Submitted by ptarantino on Wed, 12/16/2009 – 19:34.
might be showing a little here-

I’d like to hear a lot more from him, on this issue.


Ron Paul Supporters believe that Peter Schiff is anti-war

I see this was back in December.
Submitted by reedr3v on Tue, 02/09/2010 – 00:12.
I’ve been listening carefully to Schiff, and he had little to say on foreign policy, then he was vague; in the recent Yale series, Part seven, that was on the front page, he seems to have thought through the issues more clearly (beyond his forte’ in finance) and to my ear comes down pretty solidly anti war. Check out that recent video and see what you think.
He’s not Ron Paul, but he seems to be coming along fast. Here’s the link:


Peter Schiff is pro-choice on abortion



Libertarians need to infiltrate the GOP


Peter Schiff Telegraphs GOP Primary Run
by: tparty Mon Jun 01, 2009 at 11:28:23 AM EDT
Is a Republican Superprimary for Senate in the offing? Addressing the Connecticut Libertarian Party’s convention in Bridgeport this past weekend, Ron Paul acolyte Peter Schiff – who has been the subject of a draft movement by national Paul supporters and has recently made more and more noise himself about possibly challenging Chris Dodd as either a third-party candidate or in a Republican primary – seems to be clearly saying that if he were to run, it would not be as a third-party candidate, but in a Republican Primary:



Ron Paul has publicly said that the CIA has accomplished a coup against America and needs to be taken out:

A direct quote from this conference is as such:
(January 20, 2010) House Rep. Ron Paul says the CIA has in effect carried out a “coup” against the US government, and the intelligence agency needs to be “taken out.”

Speaking to an audience of like-minded libertarians at a Campaign for Liberty regional conference in Atlanta this past weekend, the

Texas Republican said: “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military.

They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries…”

I did an Internet search to see if Peter Schiff attended this conference, and found that almost every video of this event where Ron

Paul made such a statement, Peter Schiff’s name was one of the main search tags:

One one video, the single specific description for the video reads as such:
Category: News & Politics
Tags: ron paul 2pac alex jones debra medina peter schiff gerald celente marc faber max keiser jim rogers dollar hyperinflation wall street gold federal reserve bernanke geithner bailout stimulus obama healthcare palin scott brown fox news msnbc cnbc mike church perry hutchison spending tea party glenn beck rand paul dr. mercola campaign for liberty atlanta regional conference woods mises rockwell climategate monckton jesse ventura conspiracy theory new world order

This video can be found at the link below:

And here is one prominant website that supports the 9/11 conspiracy theories, calling for a RON PAUL PROVISIONAL ARMY to

take over after we investigate the 9/11 events:

Among the other kooky connections to Ron Paul, is a UFO COnnection. I have yet to find the original article, but numerous articles repeat the belief of Ron Paul’s that UFO’s are real. Some of the Ron Paul sites have soeone trying to mock this belief, but the Ron Paul site, DailyPaul.com says this:

This has been repeated again in San Francisco, not known to support conservatives or Libertarians anyways, but associated with Ron Paul out there were UFO enthusiasts mentioned in this article:

How is it that the kookiest ideas are surrounding Ron Paul?
Ron Paul, UFO disclosure, etc… simply nothing more than a pacifier — a distraction!


I did my first GOOGLE search for Kokesh + Schiff was was quite stunned to see the number of connections on web sites between the two. A person is known by the company they keep. A person is also known by who wants to tell others you are a good person or a bad person. Numerous websites that specifically mention connections between Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh have for the most part only included the names of Ron Paul or his son Rand Paul. And no one else by comparison.

The GOOGLE search terms and link I used were this:

The first page I found was this:

This the very first page of this forum is entirely based on support for Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh and Rand Paul. ONLY those three persons. While an individual may not know what everyone says about him, he must surely know who he is compared to and why, for this website clearly endorses these three men, it has the campaign website for Peter Schiff at the top of it’s page for donations. Schiff MUST know of this site for that reason alone because he has to account for all campaign donations and his webmaster also has the clear capability to discover who is accessing his website, and in modern times, a responsibility to know who is accessing your website, and that means Schiff KNOWS he is associated with Adam Kokesh.

On July 15, 2009, Peter Schiff was one of the search terms along with Adam Kokesh for this Ron Paul appearance on Judge Napolitano’s web broadcast. If they are not known to each other or do not have common values and goals, why are they jointly advertised with each other?
That link can be found here:

On the following website, videos of Peter Schiff, with search tags that include Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Chris Dodd (someone Schiff has openly opposed, one of the reasons I originally supported him), additional videos also show a hatred of Israel and Jewish interests, calling SarahPalin a Zionist Neocon Warmonger, that Ron Paul is the Tea Party leader-Not Sarah Palin (Neither were leaders, it was street level persons such as myself that made things happen), :

Mentioned specifically on this page are two Schiff videos. Here are the descriptions and links to those videos, along with the search

tags for those videos:

Peter schiff – (8.13.09)(0)
Posted on February 10th, 2010 | Categorized as Barrack Obama | Tagged as 1207, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Adam, Audit,

Bankrupt, Business, Chris, Christopher, Collapse, Commodities, Congress, Connecticut, Constitution, Debt, Deception, Deficit, DEPRESSION, Dodd, Economics, ECONOMY, Election, Fannie, FED, Foreclosure, Fox, Freddie, Germond, Harris, HR, IOUSA,
Jake, Jaynee, Kokesh, Mac, Mae, OBAMA, Paul, Peter, Predicted, Rand, Restore, Rj, Ron, Schiff, Senate, Spending, The, Towne, US

Peter Schiff discussing health care and insurance on Fox Business. Donate to his campaign today! TAGS Peter Schiff Connecticut Senate 2010 2009 US Economy Ron Paul Rand Adam Kokesh RJ Harris Jake Towne Jaynee Germond Congress Election Economics Chris Christopher Dodd 2006 2007 2008 Collapse Predicted Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Bankrupt Depression Deficit

Spending […]

Peter schiff – (8.19.09)(0)
Posted on February 10th, 2010 | Categorized as Barrack Obama | Tagged as 1207, Adan, Alex, Audit, Ben, Bernanke, Brown, Chris, Christopher, Congress, Deal, Debt, Deception, Deficit, DEPRESSION, Dodd, FED, Federal, Germond, Global, Gordon, Harris, HR, Infowars, Jake, Jaynee, Joker, Jones, Kokesh, New, OBAMA, Paul, Peter, Planet, Prison, Recession, RESERVE, Retake, Rj, Ron, Schiff, Spending, Towne

Donate to his campaign! TAGS Peter Schiff Ron Paul Adan Kokesh RJ Harris Jake Towne Jaynee Germond Retake Congress Chris Christopher Dodd Obama Joker Deception Depression Recession Deficit Spending Debt Global New Deal Gordon Brown Alex Jones Infowars Prison Planet HR 1207 Audit FED Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke Alan Greenspan Constitution Michael Badnarik Connecticut […]

Notice that in the second video, one of the search tags is INFOWARS. INFOWARS is an Alex Jones supported group, one of the leading 9/11 truthers who believe, among the many theories proposed by truthers, stories such as that the World Trade Centers were attacked by radio controlled airplanes that had the passengers removed before the collision, and also that explosive charges were placed in the building that caused the actual collapse after the collision and resultant fire. These people are Ron Paul suporters and openly support Peter Schiff and Adam Kokesh.

Remember: You are known by the company you keep, and by those who promote you and by those who wish you ill.


Adam Kokesh admits and even videos attempts to subborn treason among Army troops in Ansbach Germany

The following article appears on IVAW’s website at this location as of March 8, 2010:


It is a clear admission by Adam Kokesh and IVAW that they endorse and even called for American troops to desert in time of war and to abandon troops who are prepared to deploy.

IVAW Brings the GI Anti-War Movement to Germany: Member Adam Kokesh Gives A First-Hand Account

Yesterday, the IVAW German Expeditionary Team conducted its first on base action. Our host, Jurgen Wangler, drove the four of us to the US Army base in Ansbach. At the gate, we deployed Team 1, Chris Capps and Thomas Cassidy. Jurgen turned the car around and we watched as Chris used his military ID to get him and Tom on base.

Then Jurgen parked around the corner, and we deployed Team 2, Jeff Englehart and myself. When we got to the gate, the guard said that I couldn’t bring Jeff on with me because I was not registered in their system, even though I had a valid military ID. Jeff busted out the perfect story, “We’re backpacking around Europe, and we just wanted to come on base to use the PX. I just need to get some toiletries. See, I used to be in the Army too, but my ID is expired.” The guard suggested Jeff give me a list and wait for me. So I carried on alone.

Chris and Tom walked to the chow hall together, and got in line. While waiting in line, Tom had an awkward moment when he noticed that he was standing between two groups of soldiers he had met the night before at the Ansbach Spring Fest. They said, “What’s up?” and that was it. They paid and went through the chow line separately, then sat on opposite sides of the biggest room in the chow hall. When I got in, I saw Tom sitting at a table with a soldier and pretended that running into him was a coincidence. “Do you mind watching my gear while I get some chow? Anything good here?”

I got my chow and sat down next to him. The big screen TV in the corner was tuned to the Armed Forces Network, official TV station of the US military. It just so happened to be showing the O’Reilly Factor, and he was saying something about the “left wing hate machine” cranking up to slander Jerry Falwell right after his death. I made some offhand remark, and the soldier started talking about how much he hates O’Reilly.

I got up and put my tray onto the conveyor belt, then came back to Tom who did the same. Then it was time. I gave him the flyers from Jeff’s bag and walked to the far side of the room next to Chris. The flyers were just copies of this letter and the standard IVAW flyers. I said, in my commanding Marine Corps voice, “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” The room went silent and while Chris filmed, I read the following:

My name is Adam Kokesh and I am a former Marine and veteran of the occupation of Iraq. I am in Ansbach with the Ansbach Peace Coalition and I am here to deliver a message from the people of Ansbach:

May 17, 2007

To the American soldiers stationed in Ansbach,

The people of Ansbach support you, and you are welcome as always in our city. As we have always said, Americans are always welcome in Germany, just leave your guns at home.

As you know, twenty five hundred American Soldiers will soon be leaving this base to support the occupation of Iraq. Because of this, and the proposed expansion of this base, we are speaking out in opposition of the policies of the US government. But we want to make it clear that we stand in solidarity with the individual troops who are asked to sacrifice for the execution of these policies.

This Saturday, the 19th at 1430, we will have a demonstration in the middle of Ansbach to protest the use of German soil in the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

On Sunday, the 20th at 1700, we will be at the Shlossplatz praying for the victims of the war in Iraq. We pray for the people of Iraq, and the American servicemen who have died serving your country.

On Wednesday the 23rd at 1700 we will be at the gates of this base to protest the expansion of the base and the upcoming deployment.

Last August, the US Army announced its plans to expand this base and close off the road that runs through it. This would double the number of helicopters training here that wake us up in the middle of the night. This would also entail the theft of the land of local farmers, and necessitate that another road be built at the expense of the German taxpayers.

On Thursday the 24th, at 1000 during your farewell ceremony, we will be holding a vigil at the gates of this base to pray for your safe return.

You are all invited to join us this Friday for a beer at the Kammerspiele on Maximillian Street near the Gazebo at 1900. Please come meet with us to discuss the issues before us in a relaxed atmosphere.

Again, we support you, the troops who serve their country with honorable intentions to provide for your national defense, but we oppose the policies of the US Government that do nothing to defend America. If any of you should decide to leave the Army while in Germany and throw down your arms, the people of Ansbach will support you and do our best to provide you with aid, comfort, and sanctuary. We wish to build a new relationship between the people of Germany and the people of America on the basis of peace, reconciliation, and understanding.

Thank you,

The People of Ansbach

While I was reading the letter, an E-7 in ACUs came up to me and nearly whispered, “Can you stop reading that, please?” But I just ignored him and kept reading. Then he asked to see my ID and I kept reading. Then he walked away to harass Tom, who was “handling the literature.” The E-7 asked him how he got on post, and if he could see his ID, to which Tom gleefully replied, “No, I don’t think so.” The E-7 then made a few weak grabs at him and the flyers, which he ducked.

When I finished, I walked out into the entryway looking for Tom, who had been busy on the officers’ side of the chow hall. While Tom and Chris ducked out, an MP (Military Police) came in and one of the civilians working at the chow hall pointed me out to him. “Is everything alright, sir?” To which I replied, “Yeah, I’m cool.” Then walked out.

I saw Chris and Tom ahead of me on the sidewalk. They were being followed by the same E-7 that had harassed us earlier. After a few seconds, the group of soldiers walking behind him noticed that he had grabbed the wrong hat and was wearing one with a PFC’s insignia. He mumbled a weak excuse and kept following Tom and Chris. When they got to the gate, they were able to convince the German private security guard to give them Tom’s passport right before the E-7 tried to stop them. Tom grabbed it and ran down the street.

I saw the scuffle, and thought I should try to disassociate myself. I kept walking straight past the gate when the First Sergeant who was following me finally decided to let me know that he was actually following me. “Hey, you! Where are you going?” “Cash sales.” “You need to get out of here.” By then the civilian from the chow hall had caught up with us and was pointing at me. Since Tom and Chris had gotten through, I just kept walking to the gate. As I got to the security guard standing in the pedestrian passageway, the soldiers behind me started yelling. “Hey, stop that guy!” “Hey, you need to detain him!” “Stop him!” The security guard told me to stop and I just kept walking. He grabbed my sleeve, but didn’t even hold on. I turned the corner and just kept walking. I looked back and the First Sergeant was there watching me, but by then I was home free. Jurgen swung around the corner and I jumped in the car. As Chris passed the gate with his driver, the First Sergeant was left standing outside the gate, shaking his fist at the car with a look of perturbed confusion on his face.

A video of the action can be seen here:

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